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Friday, December 17, 2010

The Scent of Serenity

        The Storm of Serenity leaves a remarkable reward of a radiant rainbow. Many of us feel that the 'gloomy' Serenity Storm causes us to take depression pills. The reality is simply this; there is no such thing as depression. It is just the negative thoughts that overtake the few positive thoughts in our mind and our mind being overactive.
      If you ever remember standing out in the rain, even for a few seconds, do you remember a blissful, indescribable, sweet scent that filled your nose and spilled inside your soul, clearing it of all impurities? Have you ever wondered what that fragrance was? Well readers, that soul-purifying aroma is The Scent of Serenity. How and why is it The Scent of Serenity? Read on and the mystery will reveal itself.
      When your soul is energetic and immersed in inspiration, you feel serene. Your mind is clear of all impurities and that lightweight feeling just can't be described. This is because Mother Nature is purifying the soil; which is also us.


      Every little drop that falls from the clouds up in the sky purifies not only soil that it lands on but even cleanses roads, sidewalks, windows, and other objects by lifting the dirt from them and storing it within themselves. When they evaporate, the tiny droplets drift off, carrying the excess weight of impurities. 

The same thing happens with our souls; we inhale this marvelous scent and it fills our souls. The Magical Potion is only a temporary cleanser. To make our souls pure forever, our thoughts should be pure because thoughts lead to actions, and actions lead to results. The outcome of your results will depend on your thoughts.


Up in your nose I go, going where all the impurities flow...
-The Scent of Serenity