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Friday, March 11, 2011

The World Can Be The Way You Imagine It

         Some people think that you can't change the world - but I think that you can. Never underestimate your capabilities, because you never know what you can do until you try. Think about all the people that did make a difference in society; Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller and Mahatma Gandhi - just to name a few. Martin Luther and Abraham Lincoln were strong pillars of African American rights - King for segregation and Lincoln for slavery. Helen Keller inspired the world to to go ahead with life no matter what may come. Gandhi fought for India's freedom against British rule with nonviolence. In fact, he is who inspired MLK to proceed his act with nonviolence. Think about these people, they are only a few out of the many who did change the world - and you can too.
         When I grow up and succeed in my goal of becoming an author, I'd like to change the world with my writing and help everyone feel content with themselves in this world of anxiety. There are people in this world who are believed to never 'turn around'; but remember, Love has the power to do the greatest things. Here is a story that follows this statement...
         A woman was once lecturing a group of employees from a grocery store about how you should do something so alluring that your customers feel the urge to come back. Her speech had so much meaning to one individual that he took action as soon as he could. Johnny was a grocery bagger at the supermarket and he had Down Syndrome. A week after the woman's speech, he called her to let her know that her words had a positive impact on him and explained to her his idea for making the world around him a place that everyone would like to be in. The woman was touched, and, as you will see, by inspiring one, you touch the heart of many.
         Every day, Johnny would find an inspiring Thought for the Day - and with the help of his father, he printed out copies for the customers. As he bid the customers with a few heart-warming words, he dropped the kind gesture in each bag. The word spread, and soon, not only did the previous customers come back, but even new ones too! Johnny's line soon reached the end of the frozen foods aisle and even thought the manager tried to open new lines for the customers, they refused. This is the power of Love that can create an instilled impression of your kindness in someone else. It's kind of like a fossil, your impression of love stays forever imprinted on their heart.
         This goes to show that by inspiring one, you touch the heart of many, many more. These people helped make the world a better place...

And don't forget that you can too.