Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that thoughts, kind words, and positive attitude not only have a positive affect on us humans, but as well as on water. If you think about it, this actually makes sense because the percentage of water in our bodies are more than half! Here are pictures of Dr. Emoto's discovery using the Fujiwara Dam:
Here is the picture of some water from the Fujiwara Dam BEFORE it was given a blessing:
Here is the SAME water AFTER being given a blessing by a Zen Buddhist:
Amazing, isn't it? When positive thoughts can have such a drastic affect on water, imagine the affect it will have on ourselves! Those of us that are looking for peace of mind and a feeling of relaxation, the key is to have positive and pure thoughts that will keep our mind happy and healthy. We will be content with our life and appreciate whatever comes our way.
Remember, when you are feeling down and aren't satisfied with life, think, "My glass is not half empty, my glass is half full!"