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Friday, May 27, 2011

The Pentagon of Love

For the next three blog posts, including this one, we will be discussing the three pentagons:

Today, we will begin with Love and its components.

When that feeling of Love truly comes into play, there are a few things that come automatically - mercy, selflessness, perseverance, joy, and freedom. Here is the role of each one and how they come into play:

While reading these descriptions, you may notice that these traits are expressed for the same reason. That is because love is based on one thing - love. 

Mercy - When you love someone, and they make a mistake, a tiny bit of frustration may occur, if not any at all. Despite that fact, you set aside the mistake, and console the person that everything is alright. All you care about is the happiness of the one you love. You are willing to take all the pain, sacrifice all you have, for that one person. You become an entirely different person, and you become merciful.

What would happen if you treated everyone with the same respect?

Selflessness - When you love someone, that's the only person you care about. When you love someone, thoughts about 'Me' turn into thoughts about 'You'. Ego is replaced with humility and 'Me' merges with 'You'. You become an entirely different person, and you become, selfless.

What would happen if you treated everyone with a caring attitude?

Perseverance - When you love someone, you have the confidence that they will be with you through thick and thin, and that you can always feel comfortable to turn to them in need of help. And, when you have that support, you are determined - determined to persevere; because you know that now, anything is possible. You become an entirely different person, and you become persevering.

What would happen if you put that amount of effort in tasks every day of your life?

Joy - When you love someone, you only wish to be with them forever, and for them to be with you forever. Anything that relates to the person makes you happy. You feel the joy in every part of your being, spilling through unconditionally, just like the love. You know that nothing will ever go wrong, between you, and them. You become an entirely different person, and you become joyful. 

What would happen if you had the same perspective to everything in life?

Freedom - When you love someone, you have the comfort level in which you know that whatever you do, will always be accepted. Your little habits someone else might call 'out of the ordinary', the person you love will get a kick out of in a friendly way, and confess a habit of their own that will ease the tensity. You become an entirely different person, and you have the freedom.

What would happen if you weren't afraid being your own person to the world?

Love - it's something that the best writers can't define, the pain doctor's can't heal, the blueprint architects can't create, and a situation the most well-known lawyers can't fight
