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Sunday, July 29, 2012


           A positive perspective is one of the best qualities that a human being can possess. This quality allows the person to be peaceful, content, and optimistic towards life. When these three are present, there really is no room for unrest, discontent, or misery. Every thing in life that once was a problem becomes a healthy challenge to overcome. 
           Have fun with it! Introduce someone to the challenge! There is absolutely no harm in asking for help. It's a great way for you to soothe a rusty relationship, spend some time with someone who you really like to be with, or get to know someone you've been wanting to interact with.
           Having a positive perspective is also beneficial for your physical self. Keeping a negative perspective is stressful and stress weakens our brain. You can read more ways to strengthen your brainpower here: 14 Simple Ways to Super Charge Your Brain

         "A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose."
                                                               - Tom Wilson

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight."
                                                            - Phyllis Diller

      "A smile is a face lift that's in everyone's price range!"
                                                             - Tom Wilson


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